Cloud computing : Types of clouds you should know

Cloud computing

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One of the hallmarks of Industry 4.0 is that so many new definitions emerge, which means many new business improvement opportunities that have never been seen before. In this article, we will talk about cloud computing and introduce you to the types of cloud computing that you need to know before you start applying this amazing technology to your work.

1. Definition of cloud computing

To make it easier to understand, imagine you are a successful technology business person who is very successful at his job. Everything is almost perfect until you find the extension makes everything cumbersome and difficult to manage. As a technology person, you prioritize infrastructure mobility, data security and integrity, and system ease of maintenance. That’s when you hear about cloud computing.

It is an umbrella term for services that provide computing for storage, security, database analysis, and software through the Internet to quickly respond to your needs while ensuring reliability. Flexible and affordable. Saying affordable is because you only pay for what you use, not all of the cloud computing. This makes it easy to coordinate your business, save costs, and scale your business whenever you need it. Now, let’s learn more about cloud computing [1].

2. Types of Cloud Computing

There are different types of clouds. You will be introduced to them shortly. First of all, there are two models of cloud computing: the deployment model and the service model. Let’s dive into the deployment model [2].

2.1. Types of deployment model

There are three different types of deployment models: public, private, and hybrid.

Public cloud: this is the most common type of deployment. You do not own the resource such as servers and memory, but the providers distribute it to you through the Internet. This means they own and manage the hardware, software, and related infrastructure. Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure are the biggest providers today. The advantages of this model: low deployment cost, no maintenance, high scalability, high security.

Private cloud: this is cloud computing for your own business or organization. Your own private cloud can be located in your data center or powered by a third-party infrastructure while ensuring your business-specific networking and hardware and software are just for you. The advantages of this model: higher customizability, more manageability, more flexibility, and scalability.

Hybrid cloud: this is a combination of physical infrastructure or a private cloud on the one hand and a public cloud on the other. All data and related applications can be moved between environments. This hybrid cloud can bring the advantages of the two types above while reducing latency and good offline performance.

Next, here’s what you need to know about the service model.

2.2. Types of service models

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): The most basic of all the services here. With IaaS, you pay according to what you use. You can rent everything from the cloud provider like infrastructure, hardware, software, and all things cloud-related to support you.

Platform as a Service (PaaS): In this model, you are the one who will test, develop, provision, and manage your entire application yourself. The rest of cloud computing like infrastructure, data storage, servers will be provided to you.

Software as a service (SaaS): It is a method to deliver software over the Internet to web users, smartphones, tablets, or laptops according to their requirements. With SaaS, cloud providers are responsible for hosting, management, and maintenance from infrastructure to software development.

Serverless computing: The concept of this model can be confusing to PaaS, but serverless computing focuses on the possibility that you can build applications without worrying about or managing the infrastructure and servers. Cloud providers will set up, plan and manage for you, which makes serverless computing highly scalable.

3. Benefits of cloud computing

Lots of cloud computing models show that they can help no matter what size your business is. In this section, the benefits of cloud computing are listed to give you more reasons to use them [3].

3.1. Cost savings

Compared to investing in on-premises infrastructure, cloud computing reduces investment costs as you do not need to have data centers running continuously, as well as additional infrastructure such as control systems. industrial harmony. This helps you to use the capital for other business investments.

3.2. Fast speed

Cloud computing services are provided more and more and are invested by many large companies to compete. So the speed, the throughput, and the capacity to meet all your needs are what you’ll find in almost any cloud service you can entrust the future of your business with.

3.3. Enhance performance

Being powered in the cloud by a major provider allows you to increase your productivity with peace of mind instead of having to deal with the problems that a small on-premises storage system often encounters.

3.4. High security and safety

Security is the top priority of any cloud provider. Compared to spending money on a team to protect physical infrastructure, the increasingly high-security features of cloud computing help you rest assured about the integrity and continuity of your data, away from threats, like data theft or business information disclosure.

4. Conclusion

No matter what stage of your business you are at, you can still look to the cloud as a way to improve and grow your business. Cloud computing is also an integral component of IoT, the Internet of Things, a topic that we research a lot and can give you useful business suggestions. With curiosity and eagerness to learn the latest things, we trust that you, whether you are starting a business or are already familiar with it, will be successful with the world’s latest technologies.



